Get international Dialling Code for the User's Current Location

In an app I’m working on, users are supposed to enter their phone number including the international dialling code. I know this could be confusing for some users that are not so sure about the dialling code so I wanted to insert it automatically. So I’ve created HMDiallingCode, a light...

View trip computer data during a phone call in a Fiat with Blue & Me

One of the annoyances of Fiats equipped with Blue & Me infotainment system is that during a phone call you can’t view the trip computer data. This is particularly annoying when you are having a long phone call and driving on a highway for example where you constantly need to check your trip...

Creative ideas to do while stuck in #CairoTraffic

Most of us get stuck in #CairoTraffic for several hours everyday. We tend to get bored sitting in our cars, so here are some creative ideas you could do instead of just sitting there staring at your car’s windshield: Sound the horn repeatedly for 2 minutes while wondering why it isn’t making...

Stream audio from an Android phone to a Fiat equipped with Blue & Me via Bluetooth

If you have a Fiat equipped with a Blue & Me infotainment system you have probably tried to stream audio from your phone to the car. That’s not possible because Blue & Me doesn’t support A2DP, the protocol that enables audio to be streamed from one device to another (which...

Custom BlackBerry ButtonField

UI controls in the BlackBerry SDK don’t give you a lot of customization options specially in versions prior to 5. To do something as simple as changing the background color or focus color you will have to subclass that UI control and draw everything yourself. To make our lives easier, I...