Software Estimates Suck
People suck at estimating how long a task will take. We are often off by a factor of two or more when estimating seemingly simple everyday tasks, like running errands, so imagine how bad we are at estimating complicated tasks like building a new software feature. Now imagine estimating a...
TracKit 1.0
I’ve shipped the first version of my new app, TracKit, today. It’s a little tool that I personally love to use. I love tracking things, lots of things. I might even be guilty of overdoing it. I like to track the number of hours I sleep, how many kilometers I...
iOS 7 Wishlist
I’m pretty sure everyone of us that uses iOS always has a wishlist for the upcoming version. I’ll keep mine simple. Those are the top 8 things that I wish to have in iOS 7. Better sharing between apps (hint: Android) Ability to set default apps A better email app...
AFNetworking, NSURLCache & iOS 6
NSURLCache can be used to define memory and disk caching for URL requests. If you make a connection while you are not connected to the internet with the cache policy set to NSURLRequestReturnCacheDataElseLoad, data should be returned from the cache if it exists. This works as expected on iOS 5 and cached...
NileFM Streaming App
I wrote a streaming app for NileFM a while ago but it never got accepted into the App Store. I’ve placed the code on GitHub which serves as a good tutorial for streaming apps that uses MPMoviePlayerController or even a starting point for a more complex app. Check the repo on GitHub: