Custom BlackBerry ButtonField
UI controls in the BlackBerry SDK don’t give you a lot of customization options specially in versions prior to 5. To do something as simple as changing the background color or focus color you will have to subclass that UI control and draw everything yourself. To make our lives easier, I...
Recovering a deleted App Name in iTunes Connect
Some time ago Apple has introduced the ability to delete an app from your iTunes Connect account that you no longer need to use or manage. There’s only one thing that Apple doesn’t tell you when you are deleting an app: once it has been deleted, you can no longer...
Hi! I’m Hesham. I’m an iOS engineer based in Cairo, Egypt. I write mostly about iOS development, and occasionally about cars and other random thoughts that cross my mind. I’m currently squashing bugs at Instabug and mentoring iOS students at CareerFoundry. Previously, I have worked at Sarmady, Startappz and Zoboon....